Brittney & Braiden


Brittney & Braiden


Q + A


The answers will be posted here for others to see!

How long will we be travelling for after the wedding?

We will be travelling for about a month in total, seeing as much of Italy as we can! We will work our way North from Sicily after the wedding. We will send a rough idea of the path closer to so if you want to link up afterwards at some point, we can!

Cheapest Airports?

Milan, Florence, Venice, Matera, Bologna and Genoa

What's the weather and tourist season like in September?

This is just coming off of the peak of summer heat and tourist season, the weather starts to make its way into the high 20's and low 30's, prices and crowds start to come down too.

Any tips for main attractions?

- If you are going to any main attractions, book them in advance as they can sell out.

- If you go at the start of the day or end of the day the attractions will have less of a crowd typically.

What is driving like in Italy?

-Italy was built for driving and is a popular way to travel outside of the train as you can see everything, stop anywhere and do it on your time! Sometimes there's a shortage of cars to rent so we recommend booking early if possible. One note is Taormina has smaller roads in the city core but can still be accessed by cars.

- Get your international drivers license if you are planning to rent a car or you could be turned away at rental company

- Avoid parking spots that say ZTL or Zona a Traffico Limitato as they are prohibited

Are you bringing Luna?

Unfortunately we will be leaving our munchkin at home so we can fully indulge ourselves!

What are most people doing after?

So far it seems like people are either travelling Italy like us after the wedding, or flying to a country in Europe they haven't seen yet afterwards!

ex. Croatia, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Germany for Oktoberfest

Italy facts:

- Italy uses the Euro ($1.44 Cad~)

- The time zone is 9 hours ahead of B.C.

- They are on the Metric system

- They function on "Italian" time which is slower than what North Americans are used to

- Be careful of pickpockets in major cities

- Water is safe for drinking in major cities, bring your reusable water bottles!

- Card payments work most places

- The train system is a great way to get around Italy and also Sicily

- Don't forget to stamp train tickets at little machines

- Lots of hotels will scan your passports for legal purposes

- Tourist tax on accommodation is a legal obligation €3-€5

- It's worth learning basic Italian words on apps like Lingo

- Cover up in some religious sites

- Wine is very cheap!

- Restaurants may place bread on your table without informing you it costs extra - so ask.

Words to know:

Buongiorno - Good Morning

Buonasera - Good Evening

Grazie - Thank you

Ciao - Hello/Goodbye

Salve - Greetings

Acqua - Water

Ristorante - Restaurant

Vino Rosso/Bianco - Red/White Wine

Festa - Party

Taxi - Taxi

Hotel - Hotel

Dove sono i negozi? - Where are the shops?

Things to buy while in Italy:

Leather goods like bags, belts and sandals

Gold Jewelry

Wine, Grappa and Limoncello

Luxury Designer Clothing

Olive Oil, Truffle Oil and Balsamic

Cured Meats, Cheeses, Pasta's, Chocolate

Italian Cook Books & Spices

Coffee and Pastries